
Society of Architecture Listeners at FA CTU

We believe that student support and development are very important. That is why we are a long-term partner of the Society of Architecture Listeners (SPA) and their student competition Olověný Dušan.

We believe that student support and development are very important. That is why we are a long-term partner of the Society of Architecture Listeners (SPA) and their student competition Olověný Dušan. In 2024, we renewed the prize for the winner in the Architecture category, who received a paid 14-day internship in Stockholm.

The Olověný Dušan competition was founded in 1993. Every student of the faculty who submits a semester-long studio project in the winter semester participates automatically (the exception is first-years and diploma theses). Expert independent juries (especially for the field of design and architecture) go around the exhibition and select the best of the submitted assignments. The goal of the competition is an external view of teaching, which should bring reflection to teachers and students themselves. https://www.olovenydusan.cz/

Other SPA activities include the organization of lectures, discussions, workshops, exhibitions and excursions to foreign and domestic architecture. Every year, SPA also organizes Beania, a welcome to first-year students.

SPA has become an integral part not only of FA CTU, but also of the entire domestic architectural scene, where it represents the views of the youngest generation of creators. The history of the association dates back to 1900, when it is mentioned in connection with the most important representatives of Czech architectural modernism P. Janák and J. Kotěra. The current SPA continued the legacy of the original association by resuming its activities in 1993. The mission of the SPA is to support the widest possible public discussion about architecture and design, their meaning and position in the contemporary world. The goal of SPA activities is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education within these fields and thus the quality of new Czech architecture and design. SPA also wants to defend the rights and interests of FA CTU students and develop activities in their interest.
